Take The Money And Run

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Adam H. User Avatar
Adam H.
25,166 Views 1 decade ago Creative Shit

It sucks when you forget your wallet or lose your ATM card. But have no worries, this transaction doesn't require any documentation. And no $2 withdrawal fees either.

  • oicu8abullet October 12, 2010

    Modern ATM physical security, per other modern money-handling security, concentrates on denying the use of the money inside the machine to a thief, by means of techniques such as dye markers and smoke canisters.

    A common method is to simply rob the staff filling the machine with money. To avoid this, the schedule for filling them is kept secret, varying and random. The money is often kept in cassettes, which will dye the money if incorrectly opened.


  • oicu8abullet October 12, 2010

    @jehuty. The bank doesn't empty ATMs. It fills them. Being a janitor doesn't count as "working at the bank". Inside ATMs there are cash boxes for each denomination of bills. These boxes have their own own individual ink bombs. Now get off the libraries computer and back on the street corner.

  • lil_fingr_bang October 12, 2010

    Shit says redneck all over it, but he must be black if he's stealing

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