Bombs Away

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Adam H. User Avatar
Adam H.
25,576 Views 1 decade ago Bad Ass Shit

What do you do when a find an undetonated bomb that's been sitting in a river for 70 years? You set up some cameras and you blow that shit up!

  • buzzhawg October 20, 2010

    So if a bomb goes off in a river in the middle of the woods, it DOES make a sound. SO glad to have that cleared up.

  • ghosthunter October 19, 2010

    I bet the krouts were thinking better late then never..

  • unknown October 19, 2010

    you could always send out a couple of dozen dogs when you see and explosion you know they found one just tell them if they die they get 72 virgins in heaven ppl with lesser minds believe that dog shit

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