Come Get Her While She's Wet

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Adam H. User Avatar
Adam H.
43,807 Views 1 decade ago Fatty Fatty

Here's a pool party I know you wish you were at. I've never seen a whale get up and walk out of the water like that before. I'm not sure that towel is big enough for her to dry her fat ass. ... Show more

  • david0324 November 11, 2011

    Hey, anybody seen the two kids that were just swimming in the pool?

  • u-235 January 5, 2011

    I can hear this song in my head, bubble butt, bubble butt, bubble butt, she's so fat...bbbbbbbbbbbubble butt! M.O.D.

  • kabri2 January 4, 2011

    I thought we were supposed to be commenting on that sickening ass that just walked across the screen.

    The immigrants take jobs that we Americans would never work. All countries have immigrants. That'll never change.

    Eventually the immigrants become the population trying to keep the new immigrants out.

    Before Columbus got lost, there wasn't a white man to be found on this rock.

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