Too Much Testosterone

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Adam H. User Avatar
Adam H.
24,625 Views 1 decade ago Funny

Settle down, muchacho. Just because nobody wants to hear you grunt super loud like a gorilla in heat, while you pump your iron, doesn't give you reason to wreck the place. Think about cuttin... Show more

  • ridlaontharoof March 24, 2011

    she just told him she has herpes and that he should be chekd.

  • buttnuster March 20, 2011

    what a cock blister

  • thindiesel March 19, 2011

    That gym is called Planet Fitness-the gym's motto is that they don't like workout toolheads grunting and throwing weights around. If you look in the beginning there is a big ass sign above the guy that says Lunk Alarm-which basically tells the guy don't be a workout douche. funny.

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