Twofer Tuesday: Bouncers Working Hard

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Adam H. User Avatar
Adam H.
56,505 Views 1 decade ago Fights

One thing bouncers are really good at is sneaking up behind drunk guys and knocking them out. Whether it's with a sucker punch or a sleeper hold, it's lights out for these bar patrons. Liste... Show more

  • cr4zy September 9, 2012


  • wisconsinjed August 22, 2012

    On second glance "it" was not deserved! That was way over the line and he should have been arrested no doubt for that shit! If that black does that often in NYC he will be shot dead one of these days! He's gonna hit the wrong dude at some point!

  • wisconsinjed August 22, 2012

    Finally!!! A black guy "sucker punches" someone that deserved it! This is the ever so rare triple oxymoron! No, I'm not saying that Adam is trying to get rid of a cum stain on his shirt! I'm talking about 1. Black guy. 2. Sucker-punch. 3. DESERVED!!

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