How About This Propaganda Video?

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19,498 Views 1 decade ago

See I sometimes think that government wouldn’t go out of their way to hurt people. But then I wake up. Ok, I’m not saying that this video is 100% correct, but you gotta admit, ... Show more

  • joecommonsense February 25, 2007

    None of that propaganda is true. Its exactly what it is, propaganda. Any european who speaks out against the US, ANY EUROPEAN, should be thrown in the tomb of Hitler. The person and people who did this is forgetting what the US did in WWII. Without the US, Europe would be under the 3rd Reich's rule. If the US wants Britain to be next, THEN LET BRITAIN BE NEXT!

  • stealmywheels August 13, 2006

    if america didnt go to Iraq then what? if you think about sooner or later iraq would have got their hands on a nuke. only time will tell when they will its best to go after them when they are at their weakest. because what would of happened if america went down there when they actually had nukes they would of nuked america and they probably would of nuked someone even before america entered Iraq. WOW maybe bush is right. or maybe if you think he is wrong fuck it ignore all attacks on U.S. soil like Bill Clinton did and lets see how long we can hold out under the bed covers.

  • jefferson July 2, 2006

    Don't mention MY country you stupid dick!!

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