Yup Your Teeth Are Fucked

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8,719 Views 1 decade ago Accidents

Dude's going to be gumming it for a while. Nothing but soup for you buddy.

  • busanut199 September 28, 2006

    look at me i can do the BMX thing "not" go home to ya mum & step dad you good for nothing fucking prick of all pricks that i see every day with nothing els better to do that do the ..... ye that would be so radical to jump off that, we kids would look so cool on camera, next time land vertical, prick.

    Dont get me wrong if its done right its great to see but this fuck going look at me i fell off, theres to many dicks like this and they all have a domestic problem, ie, low grades, 0 IQ, ETC...

    Get a fucking trade ie job, or go back to school, play time is over fuckwits, instead of wanking each other off at dinner times you dick suckers, (sorry but true)...

  • str8upwichya September 1, 2006

    i hoped that's shockwave in that video

    and for the stunt man shit ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME

    us black folk may love smoking weed, but white people do the dumb shit like METH and CRACK and HEROINE.. so shut up with that

  • desecrate27 August 31, 2006

    I like how after her eats it his friend says "You Ok".....does he look ok.

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