Chris Angle Vs The Cops

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7,139 Views 1 decade ago Celebrities

He was like I wanted to try this on you cause your are very perceptive. My ass what he really meant was you cops are stupid.

  • unknown July 30, 2009

    fuckin shit videos. americans are so cheezy and SHIT. fucking messed up everything about it. good luck raising your kids in a third world country you gunpowder filled arceholes. why do you hate bin laden so much when he was bushes fuckin freind. they do business together you dumb fucks. take the fukin doghnuts out ya mouth and smell the fuckin cofee. jeez

  • calibaldie September 2, 2006

    Bitch might be 82 but im sure i can get some fucken money for her somewhere. Hell I will let you go first on her mother 5 cents to start? Thank you very much sameold for explaining to desecrate what the firstttt post is all about. fuck .

  • sameold September 2, 2006

    desecrate the tradition of being first and posting first bitches has been going on a lot longer than you've been around. Why let it bother you. Are you a little pissed cause you were second? Peace

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