Deadly Short Cut

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8,005 Views 1 decade ago Accidents

Now it may be me, but that just wasn't the smartest thing to be doing. He's actually lucky he walked away with just a few fractures.

  • muggs1 October 20, 2006

    Multiple fractures?? in case anyone else didnt see it look close that fucker was cut in half, and was left sitting on his torso, god I hate bullshit narratives. Same as the show cops , its like they think you arent watching what they are telling you is happening . Shit no wonder the government gets away with all their bullshit lies

  • rimmer1872 September 14, 2006

    what an unlucky bastard, luckily that spoiler or what ever it was didn't take his head off his fucking shoulders. What was he doing there anyway?...was he taking a piss or spraying the walls...well we'll never know. Answers on a post card to the usual address.

  • calibaldie September 13, 2006

    Havling, nextel, motorola are sponsors and corona sponsors half the shit in the U.S nowadays up your right hatedogys that a mexican what a fucken retard.

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