Cop Killers

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  • danw1 October 14, 2006

    on the news the other night there was a report called black on black, 100% of the murder victims and killers in the city, were black. the reporter was black too.

    as for cops, 4leftturnsx500, you cant say 1 out of 10 are good because tv shows bad cops, why the hell would they show good cops? tv is for entertainment not truth

  • kkkkilla October 12, 2006

    ^^^^^Fuck the two of you. I don't know WHAT you're reading in my post. Looks to me like you just can't comprehend. Putting words in MY mouth??? Your play on words don't impress me at all. Fuck You.

  • b23k October 11, 2006

    Right on noload. You have an the best point ive seen so far. You are totally right. Those stupid cunts just expect handouts from the govt. See the reason why they think everbody is racist and thats why they cant get a job is cuz they go to job interveiws dressed like p-diddy (o whatever his fucking name is) and expect to get a good job. They need to get up off their asses and make a life for their self. Anybody can do anything if they really want it. Hell a good start JOIN THE MILITARY. let them pay for your school get a degree, and buy a good suit and get a good job. stop talking like a retard ie dogg, nigga, biatch, playa, craker, yea yea yea,. speak clear englsih and success may come your way.

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