Are They Allowed To Fight

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11,085 Views 1 decade ago Fights

I've never actually sat down and watched one of these games but if they are allowed to fight I don't see why this game isn't a professional sport. It seems like it would be bad ass, I'm goin... Show more

  • frank n. stein September 19, 2017

    The refs didn't stop it before it started, so it must be like hockey. Let 'em fight for the "entertainment" of the crowd, then break it up.

  • blowsmoke November 12, 2010

    Out of ALL the fights I've seen I NEEVER saw one like this but if you watch lacross fights theyb are ALL like this.... WEIRD

  • ibdirty1 October 16, 2006

    just a weak version of hockey fighting.. these men have no playing skills what so ever. and as it looks.. there fighting is rather lame too...

    cpt Nagle

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