The Seattle Police Department released video of the incident, showing a K9 team, an SPD patrol officer, and a patrol sergeant contacting the burglary suspect. The suspect, armed with a mache...The Seattle Police Department released video of the incident, showing a K9 team, an SPD patrol officer, and a patrol sergeant contacting the burglary suspect. The suspect, armed with a machete and a knife, fatally stabbed Police Dog Jedi before an officer opens fire, fatally striking the suspect.
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The officers sacrificed that dog's life needlessly. The ass hat had a machete, was told to drop it and didn't then they wound up shooting the ass hat after he killed the dog and wounding one of their own in the process. They should have shot him after the first few seconds after telling ass hat to drop it and him not complying.
The officers sacrificed that dog's life needlessly. The ass hat had a machete, was told to drop it and didn't then they wound up shooting the ass hat after he killed the dog and wounding one of their own in the process. They should have shot him after the first few seconds after telling ass hat to drop it and him not complying.
stupid ass cops, they should have just shot him
feel sorry for that dog
I’m not watching this video .. I hate watching animals suffer .. humans no problem at all but cute little animals? .. no way