What Happens In Vegas...

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11,835 Views 1 decade ago Drink & Drugs

Poor guy probably wont even remember what the hell happened. Vegas is just one of those places where you might wake up in a cell, pants down by your ankles with a strange painful sensation i... Show more

  • blowsmoke November 14, 2010

    This is NOT an abuse of power........ and not because the guy was black I dind't even think of that until JUST now when I relized racists would be reading this..... he had his hands in his pockets and wouldn't take them out that is DANGEROUS .... the kid proly doesn't know why the cop is asking him to do that but he WILL

  •   rockinron June 23, 2010

    fuck pif that was a white cop and a black suspect then the fucking cop would have had jesse jackson all over his shiot for exsesive force or profileing.!!! fucking bullshit!!

  • diabolical January 10, 2007

    Song is by Breaking Benjamin - Blow me Away

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