A Little Too Much

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6,629 Views 1 decade ago Accidents

Seems like he just give it a little too much gas. Makes you wonder if that was his first time trying to cat walk that bad boy.

  • tookalook November 30, 2006

    hellarious vid, and man this soap opera ^^^ has to end, PEOPLE, if you don't look at the retards they go away sometimes, just like that that fucktard rockybalboa did!

  • sleeko November 29, 2006

    Hatedog...I don't know if YOU'RE male or female or a combination thereof, but I'm sure YOU"RE a nit-pick'n asshole. Excuse me for the, ever so tiny gramatical error. As to my generation, you've certainly flown off the pier, there. If you've read many of my posts you'd know "my generation" is the one that left a sizeable piece of our ass(s) in Vietnam. I'm pretty sure, I have kids your age or older. Hell, you might be one of them. I didn't always hang around to see if my seeds sprouted.

  • bubbacrow November 29, 2006

    hatedog is a 30 something stay at home mormon mom with seven kids and no prospects. give it up chica. ya ain't funny. or hard. douche.

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