Funniest Failure

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8,021 Views 1 decade ago Accidents

this one of the funniest fail jumps ever. Lol, I know he felt stupid after fucking that jump up.

  •   rockinron March 28, 2010

    man that nigga done fucked his back and face up good!!!

  •   big_daddy305 December 11, 2006

    Damn commoneagle... must you attempt to cause dissention amongst different ethnic cultures? What exactly in your words in a "nigger"? I'd like to know your definition of the word or at least what makes you think it's ok to use the word so loosely.

  • commoneagle December 11, 2006

    what what what where the hell are the racial white trash trailer trip talkers today. that white boy gives you a great shot at your cheep racest remarks. he is trying to make your day nigger... no not you mr black man... i mean the niggers who have to bash the whole race when one or three low live bad examples make fools of themselves. so nigger here's your chance. go for it.

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