Every One In The Chopper!!!

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12,181 Views 1 decade ago Accidents

It's not everyday you see a chopper just run into a mountain. I'm not sure but I don't think that's the way things are supposed to go.

  • fullbeard420 February 21, 2009

    yea, that's from St. Helen (washington). 3 hiker died and 2 pilot killed.

  • commoneagle December 20, 2006

    ilhavanagee wrote:

    the faggot ass narrarator sounds like he wanted it to happen, and when it did he was glad. "IF ONLY THIS WAS A MOVIE"? what kinda shit is that ..........................................................it is the kind of statment that someone with 1/2 a brain can tell you it means bummer too bad it wasn't just a movie and not real...I won't say you are a dumass because i am trying to be less mean these days but i would have said you were a dumfuck last week... yuck yuck... what the fuck

  • commoneagle December 20, 2006

    homas11 wrote:

    its not so bad trust me. ...............................why should i trust you??? you know what they (whoever they are) say about trusting someone who says trust me.

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