She Swallowed It

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13,655 Views 1 decade ago Animals

After seeing this snake swallow this little bird alive like that, I couldn't help but think. Man that's some really fucked up shit. I mean seriously that poor thing was chirping after the fa... Show more

  • snakboy January 3, 2024

    Ich frage mich was das kücken im letzten Moment fühlen wird

  • china_mike November 28, 2016

    End of a bad relationship; she was just too clingy. All the way down my throat, she kept chirping "I don't care if people think you're a slime ball--I love you! I forgive you for squeezing my mother to death. I get it; you just loved her too much. Come one baby, we can make this work! Cough me back up, I'm only a foot down now. Let's star anew!"

  • clintonite January 6, 2010

    Sad for the chick only cos It got swallowed alive. I eat KFC all the time but my food is dead. Anyway love how the snake opened it's mouth and it looked like the snake was making the chick sound

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