Check Out This Prototype Gun

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8,064 Views 1 decade ago Bad Ass Shit

I can't wait to these bad boys start popping around in the hood. There's going to be some serious drive bys then.

  • commoneagle December 22, 2006

    jacksons30kv wrote:

    This gun is a waste of U.S. citizens’ tax dollars. What the point of shooting all of those rounds in half a second if your aiming at one target? Its not the like the enemy are lined up in rows. One well-placed shot should do just fine. Besides, I already have a weapon that can shoot multiple pieces of lead at a time. Its called ashotgun

    ......................................... .................................................. the first place this will wipe out a tank will your shotgun even phaze one. the sheer intimidating power of the weapon is worth a bundle. second if i remember right (not positive) the us gov is not funding research & development they may buy it but a private company is doing it. so if you want to get put in you place keep posting stupid not thought out comments.

  • ramafistfadge December 21, 2006


  • diducthat December 21, 2006

    perfect home defence weapon!

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