I actually had a buddy that did something similar to this once. Poor guy broke his neck. It's such a shitty thing. You should never go jumping into lake head first. Unless your willing to br...I actually had a buddy that did something similar to this once. Poor guy broke his neck. It's such a shitty thing. You should never go jumping into lake head first. Unless your willing to break your neck.
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hey all u fuckwads,this guy really got hurt, what if he died?????? u know he has family. what if your fam member died and people talk shit????????????????????????????????????????????? the worlds a scary place n u shouldnt talk shit cause maybe some day some one will find u and take care of u;)
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. He 4sure scraped his dong on the way down. Dont worry, we ticktocked it just like you wanted
hey all u fuckwads,this guy really got hurt, what if he died?????? u know he has family. what if your fam member died and people talk shit????????????????????????????????????????????? the worlds a scary place n u shouldnt talk shit cause maybe some day some one will find u and take care of u;)
what a stupid fucktard! i mean, what the hell was he thinking!!!~~~~~ had to be high on something :{