Dann versuch mal diese Juednratte zu kriegen der von 100 von Leuten beschützt wird und der in einen Gebäude sitzt das 20 stöckig ist..ach ne lass mal lieber. Ich will erst garnicht anfangen von den Türken in Deutschland wie die sich verbreiten wie die Pest. Bald heißt es New Türkey und nicht Deutschland du "fking disgusting cockroach"
You say they are not weak??? The guy is walking home with plastic bag and food inside and those assholes attack from behind in forest.
You want to clean Russia from Jews you say??
Why don't you start with Vladimir Volfovich Eidelstein? or as known today Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovski?? Oh yea you just remembered that your balls are too small for that kind of Jew.
You can only hunt for weak people that go from food store to their house in the forest. you fking disgusting cockroach.
That's ok,,let about six French men get ahold of their Russian mail bride sister's and watch them get fucked silly on here
Dann versuch mal diese Juednratte zu kriegen der von 100 von Leuten beschützt wird und der in einen Gebäude sitzt das 20 stöckig ist..ach ne lass mal lieber. Ich will erst garnicht anfangen von den Türken in Deutschland wie die sich verbreiten wie die Pest. Bald heißt es New Türkey und nicht Deutschland du "fking disgusting cockroach"
toligen and jigsaw,
You say they are not weak??? The guy is walking home with plastic bag and food inside and those assholes attack from behind in forest.
You want to clean Russia from Jews you say??
Why don't you start with Vladimir Volfovich Eidelstein? or as known today Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovski?? Oh yea you just remembered that your balls are too small for that kind of Jew.
You can only hunt for weak people that go from food store to their house in the forest. you fking disgusting cockroach.