The Cat Killer

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8,224 Views 1 decade ago Commercials

After getting caught like that you have to keep going with it and play it off. At the very least it would make a good story.

  • ronhollow January 24, 2007

    First Post Bitches! That means I am the greatest!

  • pablosdog January 17, 2007

    FIRST!!! finally, I never thought it would happen. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

  • commoneagle January 16, 2007

    Oh and a brag for all your weenies who have bitched me out for my lack of editing and who gives a shit about spelling type of posts (pun intended) posts...I have two degrees one in life's schools of hard knocks and one in guess what???? yup tis in psychology.... psych classes are what is referred to a W classes much of the time which means writing classes where we are scrutinized on our writing content, punctuation, structure, and usually have at least on term paper per such class most of the time two. This is the way it was it the college I attended anywhoway..... so if you want to thrash over spelling you can have a contests with me and you'd be up against the one of only two out of a class of 45 people one quarter who passed the term paper.... I had a hard time believing hat the instructor Tom handled the fact that he may have to flunk all but two of us..... he call each of us aside individually and told us what was up and asked if we would be willing to toss our papers out so the rest of the class could have another chance to write their shit right

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