Burning The Bridge

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4,495 Views 1 decade ago Creative Shit

I know like over half of you have always wanted to do something like this. It's like I'm leaving and fuck you!!!

  • skeeza79 May 28, 2008


  • commoneagle January 19, 2007

    oops I did it again and kept reading...jeeeze fat_pa pa 305 if that is how you really reason things out I feel sorry for you. you must truly hate and think everyone is a self serving narcissistic fool..... Actually he did good, had fun, and gave his fellow or X fellow workers a kick in the but funny few minutes... Your Freudian cry for attention theory is as stupid as the Oedipus or eat a mamas puss concept of Mr. Famous freak Freud

  • commoneagle January 19, 2007

    debie wrote:

    damn, you have mass issues. please get help, for real, please please please get help. the thought of morons like you walking this planet scare the fuck out of me. please seek help..........................................................who are you talking about be more specific in your rants... some of us here are not crazy shit we come here to unwinded and be our alter egos if you are perfect and have no other side then you are not human thus you lie if you say you don't have any bad thoughts boy/girl/man what the hell... just the fact that you seem to think evey one else needs a shrink and if you don't think you do is reason to believe you need one the most....ok nuff bitchie bitch from me... I go one step further to contemplate not burning a figurative bridge but torching the place for real. i'd never do it but i sure think such shit sometimes... gets it out of my system...same with the crap i post here it is a release...thanks all you weirdos for being strangers and dumbfucks. : )

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