Bring In The Expert

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6,338 Views 1 decade ago Funny

The next time he runs that thing, I bet you he'll remember not to dump that bucket full of dirt on himself. That's a hell of a shitty way to learn though.

  •   big_daddy305 January 22, 2007

    I guess you're right. Can't argue about something I know nothing about.

  • geeperstalkin January 19, 2007

    big_daddy305 Either way you cut it he stole it.Robing from Peter to pay Paul.

  •   big_daddy305 January 19, 2007

    geeper... I have to stop you there.. They have had money for generations. They own a gas conglomerate. I think it's the reason that we're at war.. not because we're trying to get lower gas prices.. it's because this fucker is getting reamed on the price of oil (which is used to make gasoline) and doesn't want to pay for it.

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