Top Ten Favorite George W Bush Moments

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7,805 Views 1 decade ago Celebrities

Every time I see the President I can't help but wonder how the hell he managed to get into office. I'm sure he paid off a whole lot of people.

  • skeeza79 May 28, 2008

    thats my bush

  • beyondskrewed January 21, 2007

    I have never laughed so hard in my life! And I have kids! Differance is,. I don't change my 2 yr olds diaper nemore, where as his wife still has to change is,,,

  • carnutts4sure January 20, 2007

    I don't think you have enough intellegence in that skull of yours ned to speak for yourself let alone everyone else so excuse me for not really giving a shit what nedshit thinks of my ass ! I don't think I'll be loosing any sleep over your ass ned so you can quit attempting to insult me cause it aint happening . You have to feel like the person insulting you has a higher intellect and actually knows what he or she is talking about to be insulted ned . Get the picture now ASSWIPE ? There are Govt. checks issued every month for people with your intellegence level ned and we aren't talking payroll either ! Maybe you should see if there's a case worker for the mentally impaired in your immediate area that will help your no-spelling ass fill out the paperwork .

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