One time I was at a friends house around Christmas time and a friend of mine started making dirty lemonOne time I was at a friends house around Christmas time and a friend of mine started making dirty lemon drops, she would make as fast as we would drink them. It got to the point where it was like a race, and I kept track of how many I was drinking due to the fact that I was counting out loud. Two hours later I stopped counting around 32 dirty lemon drops. My brother came in and swallowed 3/4 of a bottle of Captain Morgans Private Stock. He passed out and went outside to puke my brains out.
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alcohol poisoning is funny. except when the kid dies. but that can be funny too. unless you care about them. I like booze and cigarettes, they are great for population control. die motherfuckers.
alcohol poisoning is funny. except when the kid dies. but that can be funny too. unless you care about them. I like booze and cigarettes, they are great for population control. die motherfuckers.