good one drummer bitch used to be fighting words to call a woman anytime under any circumstances but it is not as bad as this latest change in the word gay... fukin nay what the heay ................oh what a stupid waist of time. mythbusters make shit like that everyday..... but for reasons. not just cause they are board...
drummerguybrad wrote:
Hey Tribal I love getting my bitch to get me a beer to, Is yours a Lab, St. Banard or German Shepard?
good one drummer bitch used to be fighting words to call a woman anytime under any circumstances but it is not as bad as this latest change in the word gay... fukin nay what the heay ................oh what a stupid waist of time. mythbusters make shit like that everyday..... but for reasons. not just cause they are board...
I'm not much of a drinker, hope it can launch sandwiches.
how fucken fat and lazy do you have to be to get a beer machine!? just walk your happy ass over there and grab one!!! fucken faggs!!!!