10 Nasty Knock Outs

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13,895 Views 1 decade ago Fights

Although the last KO was good I have to say the second to last one was a bit nastier. Well at least in my opinion.

  • spydablakk March 7, 2007


  • crashtest69 March 6, 2007

    ah shoobert,my pet.again you have sought out my attention by addressing me directly.first i would like to point out to you that my reply to you was in response to your blind siding me.you earned the punishment i gave you.my advice to you shoobert would be to use this website to observe the rantings of common sense.thats why im here. to be around people with some common fuckin sense.although its nice to spar from time to time,im really here to observe and communicate with people like me..and although i did give you a vicious reeming i want you to know that if your peice of shit car broke down(probably a japanese one)or if you were to need any kind of general help, my stupid white ass would probably give it to you.for you see shoobert,the faggots the niggers, the mechanics,the wopps,the spics,the mics,the jews,the indian cheifs and you to. are the the fuckers that make my life good.so shoobert,relax, smoke yourself a little refer,put in a evel kneivel video.and soon it will all come together for you

  • welshlongman March 6, 2007

    ^^^^^^^^guday maite,chuk a shrimp on the barby....

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