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crazyshit User Avatar
134,501 Views 2 years ago Police

The New York Attorney General released police body-camera footage from the fatal shooting of 33-year-old Joshua De’Miguel Kavota by a Saranac Lake Village Police officer.The footage, shows... Show more

  • rookie9868 October 8, 2023

    And that's why police shoot suspects with knives. In a radius of approx. 10m, a knife attack without a drawn weapon is fatal for the officer.

  • sweetkah September 14, 2023

    If you are in threat, kill or die, be ready to take out a life the same way they can do with you.

  • swollengoods August 31, 2023

    I'm not really sure why we have women police officers? I see way too much of this "freezing" up and screaming. If that other cop wasn't there she probably would of been stabbed multiple times.. Idk why women are always fighting to do jobs that men thrive in and are put into incredibly dangerous situations. But hey women equality or somethin.

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