Scum Of The Earth

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26,642 Views 1 decade ago Bizarre

These are the people that we need to beat repeatedly. What a piece of shit, and he's a cop too!!!

  • iluvwomen March 14, 2009

    thats why they r called pigs

  • remingtons_s March 26, 2007

    Pedophilia is a mental abnormality just like homosexuality and George W. Bush lovers. Those of you talking shit and wanting nothing more than seeing this guy get castrated, you gotta admit, at least he didn't break into the house and forcefully rape that 13 year old girl.

  • gagher March 22, 2007

    what are u n-word & throttlejockey, pedophiles? In case of taking a fucking childmolester to prison and get what´s comming to them entrapment should be legal!!! Anyone against that probably feels for the pedophile, n what does that make U? Don´t get me wrong, I´m against entrapment, but not in this particular case...

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