Down And Out

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6,986 Views 1 decade ago Accidents

Every time I go to the air and sea show down here in South Florida, I always expect one of those pilots to just fuck up real bad and kill a shit load of innocent people. there are so many pe... Show more

  • pablosdog March 29, 2007

    shitlooker your spanish isn't bad. It isn't good but it's better than not trying at all. BTW he told you to suck his cock and his spanish is worse than yours by far.

  • prowler67 March 24, 2007

    Looks like he was lower than expected and pulled too hard and stalled out too low. The engine sounds fine.

  • joecommonsense March 24, 2007

    You know, the typical idiot at that air show which are the idiots standing right under the plane acts, would be like wow, wow, wow, WOW. But a physics buff would know that the pilot was a little rough on the engine, fuck it, he was fucking that engine UP. Just listen to it during the stunts, the engine is crying in pain. It was either the engine or the plane breaking apart. San Salvemala

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