Unsportsman Like Conduct

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9,278 Views 1 decade ago Fights

Talk about a well deserved KO. What kind of a piece of shit takes punches before the bell? Fucking Asshole.

  • pablosdog March 31, 2007

    yah! they were pussies. you see, the really tough guys in the world decided to retire and become internet warriors on CS. "my 15 year old daughter could take both of these guys out with one punch and ... blah... blah" what a bunch of bullshit!

  • joecommonsense March 29, 2007

    There's a new one out there too of an world class female swimmer who gets in a fight with her coach or father right on the spot. Yeah on the spot. Yeah, in her swim suit.

  • joecommonsense March 29, 2007

    Where's the Madison Square Garden Brawl? I hear that was a good one, horses and everything.

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