did you know taking your shirt off makes you cool and a better fighter hehe haha... if you can't tear away from someone grabbing your shirt your a pansy waist anyhow... may as well give up bfor you take your shirt off. Or was that a fifty dollar tee shirt needed saving... i find pretense like that offensive. Ok what if this bitch may had been provoking the dude all day and sports 15 inch biceps... these days chicks go to war and they can be tough like lots of ladies are meaner, stronger, tougher more aggressive and will lay you out flat. Seemed to me she was taking his punches like a man.... If women want equality give it to um.. If a chick hits me first I won't hesitate, one split second, to crack her back.. in fact I may not be able to help the automatic reaction... last time I got punched I even amazed my own self at how fast this old fart still is..... I will however not talk shit to kids quite a freely as I used to!! One of these days I will loose even though it hasn't happened yet... Damn it is going to be tough for an outspoken person like me... my mouth has gotten me in some hot water many times not unlike my comments on the net now... thank you crazy shit for the more safe avenue to dissipate some pent up anger... if we humans don't let it out then it will build up even the pope gets pissed don't kid yourselves thinking you don't have to get mad now and then we do... so get it out before the explosion... bitches.... hehe haha
did you know taking your shirt off makes you cool and a better fighter hehe haha... if you can't tear away from someone grabbing your shirt your a pansy waist anyhow... may as well give up bfor you take your shirt off. Or was that a fifty dollar tee shirt needed saving... i find pretense like that offensive. Ok what if this bitch may had been provoking the dude all day and sports 15 inch biceps... these days chicks go to war and they can be tough like lots of ladies are meaner, stronger, tougher more aggressive and will lay you out flat. Seemed to me she was taking his punches like a man.... If women want equality give it to um.. If a chick hits me first I won't hesitate, one split second, to crack her back.. in fact I may not be able to help the automatic reaction... last time I got punched I even amazed my own self at how fast this old fart still is..... I will however not talk shit to kids quite a freely as I used to!! One of these days I will loose even though it hasn't happened yet... Damn it is going to be tough for an outspoken person like me... my mouth has gotten me in some hot water many times not unlike my comments on the net now... thank you crazy shit for the more safe avenue to dissipate some pent up anger... if we humans don't let it out then it will build up even the pope gets pissed don't kid yourselves thinking you don't have to get mad now and then we do... so get it out before the explosion... bitches.... hehe haha
you aint got no wife you fuckin douche,thats your gimpass mama you been fuckin fucktard
part time cabbie/part time Goldenglove!!!