Why is it that I keep thinking about letting a snake that big loose on a bunch of midgets in a maze while the lights are off? That would be good entertainment.
Quietly the gazzele drinks from a little brook. When bam, a big fucking snake apears and wraps around the gazzele slowly depreiving it of any air. When all of a sudden Farmer Jow comes along and shoots the smake in the head, and eats the gazzele. Tell this one to your children tonight.
as i grazed the comments a bit more i came to find... spronke z smorkin dich finkin hampell stig in hammer finkin stichel smomkein forker der smakin hammell... so there...
oh i should say. he stike der somoken de speckled smit storkin spunk... what that means is fittel sticks. maybe but i do know sprec in se douch is not mine spunk... funk en a man.
Quietly the gazzele drinks from a little brook. When bam, a big fucking snake apears and wraps around the gazzele slowly depreiving it of any air. When all of a sudden Farmer Jow comes along and shoots the smake in the head, and eats the gazzele. Tell this one to your children tonight.
as i grazed the comments a bit more i came to find... spronke z smorkin dich finkin hampell stig in hammer finkin stichel smomkein forker der smakin hammell... so there...
oh i should say. he stike der somoken de speckled smit storkin spunk... what that means is fittel sticks. maybe but i do know sprec in se douch is not mine spunk... funk en a man.