good thing we have a resident nutcase to rant for pages all in a single paragraph. thanks dunedain. christ.
evilution: think tiny, random mutations over millions and millions of years, with advantagous mutations persisting through the process of natural selection. it can happen.
just because we haven't dug up every bone than completes a nice, tidy progession of changes over time hardly disproves evolution.
on research: a "lack of supporting evidence" does not necessarily disprove a theory. *direct evidence to the contrary* is what disproves a theory.
^^^^^^^^^^^you are a true wacko you actually rant with every come across as though your about to explode because someone didnt post to your liking in the first post spot.i can actually feel your bloodpressure going up as you type just calm down for real you work hard for a living when your on the computer you should relax.
good thing we have a resident nutcase to rant for pages all in a single paragraph. thanks dunedain. christ.
evilution: think tiny, random mutations over millions and millions of years, with advantagous mutations persisting through the process of natural selection. it can happen.
just because we haven't dug up every bone than completes a nice, tidy progession of changes over time hardly disproves evolution.
on research: a "lack of supporting evidence" does not necessarily disprove a theory. *direct evidence to the contrary* is what disproves a theory.
Hahahhah this is hilarious. God doesn't approve of anyone who surfs crazyshit, so atheism is probably your safest bet at this point.
^^^^^^^^^^^you are a true wacko you actually rant with every come across as though your about to explode because someone didnt post to your liking in the first post spot.i can actually feel your bloodpressure going up as you type just calm down for real you work hard for a living when your on the computer you should relax.