Turn Up The Heat

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5,211 Views 1 decade ago Accidents

Holy shit!!! That fire just ate that fireman. He had like a 3 second pause right before he got broiled to holy hell.

  • crashtest69 April 6, 2007

    ^^^^yeah eagle my dad says the same thing basically

  • commoneagle April 5, 2007

    firemen aren't much smarter that bull riders some times only difference it they have reason to their actions... the man in charge should have written that building off and just contained it letting it burn to the ground... from the short look at it the evidence pointed to a total loss anyhow... fire is the only natual phenominia sp? that actually frightens me at times. or may be lightning onece in a while...

  • commoneagle April 5, 2007

    WTF the vid stopped way too soon

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