oh yes number one!!!! tell checkoff to let ohurea know that kirk said it is ok to play number one and pick card is never going to dismiss number one untill he comes up with some dum ass but cleaver thing to say in the number one spot ... just calling fist comment is not enough and is not cool so don't give these whinnier babies and reason to be right about the establishment of the number one comment game @ crazyshit site.. ok with that bitch bouncing off your bone head brain listen up... this kid in the video gave himiself instant brain damage which made him simotanioulsy stupid for life... sounded like a downs syndrome voice when he started whinning eeeewhaaa eaaawahaaa at the end of the clip too bad we could not hear more to make a determination as to if he was going to keep sounding retarded... skate without a helmet risk instant retardation boys and girls beam me up scottie and when you get first place tell number two how nice it is to be picards first mate... nuff from me... fur now... so stay tuned to the bitch broadcasting network for more on the moreon the dumside statments.
^^^^you are almost a dumb as that the guy in the video, people keep posting"first" like they’re gonna get a prize for it!
.......................................................give up mr resisto and quit being a spoiled sport.... wimp ass nay sayer who just wants to be a dick.... yep you're a dick because you won't go with the flow and see some value in playing an inocent little game of i posted first... what is your fucking problem asshole.. not just you there are other dickhead spoiled sports who are probably the ones who spoil parties and other events on a regular basis just by being themselves.... yep if it bothers you to see someone post first as much as it buggs me to see your whinnie ass complaintes about a little tradition in the making then your pretty bugged by it so get the fuck over it cause i am not getting over your kind... your a dick and probabley were born that way so change your self and make a better you for your bitchen is not healthy when it involves cry baby crap that taps inot others space. if we want to play the game of first it is not your business to tell us we should not.. prick... so there na na nanner banter bully me.... call 1- five five three eight hundred dumb ass punk fucking butheaded whiner baby and listen for a dial tone... cause that is all you die serve to hear...
oh yes number one!!!! tell checkoff to let ohurea know that kirk said it is ok to play number one and pick card is never going to dismiss number one untill he comes up with some dum ass but cleaver thing to say in the number one spot ... just calling fist comment is not enough and is not cool so don't give these whinnier babies and reason to be right about the establishment of the number one comment game @ crazyshit site.. ok with that bitch bouncing off your bone head brain listen up... this kid in the video gave himiself instant brain damage which made him simotanioulsy stupid for life... sounded like a downs syndrome voice when he started whinning eeeewhaaa eaaawahaaa at the end of the clip too bad we could not hear more to make a determination as to if he was going to keep sounding retarded... skate without a helmet risk instant retardation boys and girls beam me up scottie and when you get first place tell number two how nice it is to be picards first mate... nuff from me... fur now... so stay tuned to the bitch broadcasting network for more on the moreon the dumside statments.
1badmofo wrote:
^^^^you are almost a dumb as that the guy in the video, people keep posting"first" like they’re gonna get a prize for it!
.......................................................give up mr resisto and quit being a spoiled sport.... wimp ass nay sayer who just wants to be a dick.... yep you're a dick because you won't go with the flow and see some value in playing an inocent little game of i posted first... what is your fucking problem asshole.. not just you there are other dickhead spoiled sports who are probably the ones who spoil parties and other events on a regular basis just by being themselves.... yep if it bothers you to see someone post first as much as it buggs me to see your whinnie ass complaintes about a little tradition in the making then your pretty bugged by it so get the fuck over it cause i am not getting over your kind... your a dick and probabley were born that way so change your self and make a better you for your bitchen is not healthy when it involves cry baby crap that taps inot others space. if we want to play the game of first it is not your business to tell us we should not.. prick... so there na na nanner banter bully me.... call 1- five five three eight hundred dumb ass punk fucking butheaded whiner baby and listen for a dial tone... cause that is all you die serve to hear...