Not on my watch

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Greg J. User Avatar
Greg J.
10,884 Views 1 decade ago Funny

These girls are in for a big suprise when they think they can go on a beer run. This cashier probably helps them realize they should never do that again. Im sure the gun helped a little too.

  • _cantgetright April 9, 2007

    those dumb bitches are retarded as can be. It's only obvious you walk into a convenience store with a hoodie sweater on and it's freakin' JULY. They need to keep their sorry asses in college before their faces end up on the evening news for robbery. Mommy and daddy wouldn't like that too much.

  • rodgtard April 7, 2007

    he shoulda made them grope each other for his and the other customers enjoyment!serious though, hes lucky he aint in a world of shit for doin that .

    and robbers know he has a gun now, they will just walk in and cap the dummy right off!

  • sleeko April 5, 2007

    Another example of women doing mens work, and getting a break, at that. Dude would have shot me.

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