That is the question but seems to me that it's a pretty easy choice. I believe jumping would be way less painful than what is in store if you decide not to. Either way that shit is gonna hur...That is the question but seems to me that it's a pretty easy choice. I believe jumping would be way less painful than what is in store if you decide not to. Either way that shit is gonna hurt.
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dammmn I am yappie this day..... and those writers who made this commercial had to have quite the imaginaton s to think this one up mush have a think tank in a high rise building or somthing
Damd the luck of this poor guy, Down here we call it "snakebit".
nurse ratchet,,,,uncommonbeagle needs its lithium
and thorazin,,,,
dammmn I am yappie this day..... and those writers who made this commercial had to have quite the imaginaton s to think this one up mush have a think tank in a high rise building or somthing