Foreign volunteers fighting on behalf of Ukraine assault a Russian occupied set of dwellings and the American turret gunner unleashes a belt of .50 BMG armor piercing incendiary rounds from ...Foreign volunteers fighting on behalf of Ukraine assault a Russian occupied set of dwellings and the American turret gunner unleashes a belt of .50 BMG armor piercing incendiary rounds from a browning M2 heavy machine gun followed by explosive projectiles from a couple AT4 rocket launchers. The unit is rolling in American-made Humvees as they approach the enemy compound. At first it seems as if the structures may be deserted, but soon enemy rifle rounds can be heard cracking through the air and seen impacting the dirt just in front of the gunner.
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Blbec střílí neví kam a AT4 pustí do země.....!
Pricks were still returning fire...
Send in the WARTHOGS (Bwwwwwwaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrppppppppppppppppp) GAME OVER
Where's the Swedish Carl Gustaf anti tank thingamajing?