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Greg J. User Avatar
Greg J.
10,761 Views 1 decade ago Creative Shit

There is a secret that has plauged high school football coaches and math teachers for generations. This video is an attempt to shed light on the situation and show others that there is hope ... Show more

  • rodgtard April 25, 2007

    if you have to pick your pants up just to walk,

    then your a wigger wannabe. and if you have male

    cameltoe,you probably have a two way normal and walk around naked.people tend to leave you alone when dressed this way.

  • anoyherdayhear April 25, 2007

    Why do balls do all the "hangin" when it was slim who did the shooting?

  • brainchowder April 25, 2007

    i just started buyin baggy fuckin pants. cured my moose knuckle

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