One stupid ass wants to lecture instead of just shutting the fuck up and issuing the citation. The other is gangbanging over territory. Waste of space.
First cop was a small town fuckwad. The Sheriff had every right to arrest his ass. Those small town fuckboy cops are always going out of their jurisdictions without permission doing shit like that to motorists outside the city limits to write tickets on the highways where they're not supposed to be.
boring... too much oink oink oink no pig shooting
First cop was a small town fuckwad. The Sheriff had every right to arrest his ass. Those small town fuckboy cops are always going out of their jurisdictions without permission doing shit like that to motorists outside the city limits to write tickets on the highways where they're not supposed to be.
Then all of the fighting drained away and they became a united force when a doughnut truck over-turned on the corner.