Mormon Football

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7,148 Views 1 decade ago Fights

This should become an Olympic sport. Anytime you see one of those bike peddling Mormons, it's your right, no wait it's your duty to play some Mormon Football. All you have to do is tackle th... Show more

  • goofysizzle May 8, 2007


    that would be grat to watch live

  • hatedogs May 8, 2007

    " THE BROTHERHOOD DOES NOT CONDONE SUCH BEHAVIOR. WE ARE TRUE AND FAIR IN THE PURSUTE OF ALL HUMAN MORTALS." HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! "Pursute" LOL, what an apt spokesman sheeto is for the retards who hope someone will give a fuck about the faggothood. I can't even imagine these pathetic fuckwads getting jobs raking Mexican and Chink yards. Think about it: would you even want 'em hanging off the back of your garbage truck? What a repugnant gaggle of underspecies they are. And incase somebody didn't get my point, fuck every goddamn one of 'em in the fucking head. "PURSUTE" Good fucking God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • sleeko May 7, 2007

    Even American mormon pussies, kick ass..

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