Well I guess you could call it Brit-Fu. These guys seem pretty crazy and ready to kick your teeth in at the drop of a hat. I'll remember to take a cab home if I'm ever coming home late from ...Well I guess you could call it Brit-Fu. These guys seem pretty crazy and ready to kick your teeth in at the drop of a hat. I'll remember to take a cab home if I'm ever coming home late from the bar near those places.
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there is a differents between fighting someone, and jumping someone..only pussy's jump people!...oh yea, most of it was not that great
That headbutt was fuckin bitchin!
I'm glad you fuck tards help the rest of us count the first 1 to 3 comments. Otherwise we wouldnt be able to tell who was first. Or second. Or third.
Wait,, who was first again? Oh, thats right,, no one gives a fuck.