I swear negros love beating females lighter than them they get off on it sick cowards ....... Wake tf up whites these dark skin people are not your friend at all I don't care how nice they try to be .... Nothing good comes from dark things
#3 is a lesson to the ladies: Stay in that abusive relationship. You might have a rough life but at least you'll have a life instead of getting a double-tap to the skull
I swear negros love beating females lighter than them they get off on it sick cowards ....... Wake tf up whites these dark skin people are not your friend at all I don't care how nice they try to be .... Nothing good comes from dark things
#3 is a lesson to the ladies: Stay in that abusive relationship. You might have a rough life but at least you'll have a life instead of getting a double-tap to the skull
Don't kill man who fuck your wife, kill wife who let man fuck her...