It's a good thing we're in the ocean cuz i just shit my pants

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Greg J. User Avatar
Greg J.
7,927 Views 1 decade ago Bad Ass Shit

This dude must have left his balls on the jet ski because they are way to big to fit in his pants. I don't know at what point you decide to start riding Tsunami's, but there are only 2 class... Show more

  • sleeko May 29, 2007

    If you want to see even heavier action than this go to "surfline" Lots of good vids.

  • sleeko May 29, 2007

    I offer some education, here. I guess'n I'm the only one, here that surfs regularly. I surf 3-5 days/week. NO, I dont' ride big shit anymore. That's a young mans insanity. The reason for the jet ski is that the bigger the wave, the faster the swell travels. It would be impossible to paddle fast enough to catch a wave this big. The paddle in limit is somewhere in the 25'-30' range. This guy actually almost didn't have enough speed as he was stuck high on the face there, for a few seconds. If he would have stalled there, the wipe out would have been, what we call a classic "lip launch" The worst kind. The key to handling a wipe out in surf this size is (like sex) penetration. You want to get under the impact zone. But beware, if go are pushed too deep, and it takes too long to get back to the surface, the ski can't hang around too long to pick you, between waves. If you surface too late, and the next set hammers you, that's called a double hold down...And you could drown. A 3 wave hold down..almost no chance of survival. Judging by the shape of that wave, my guess is it is at a place called "Jaws" on the northwestern corner of Maui.

  • pablosdog May 28, 2007

    quit yer whining. crashtest was a moron with no life except in his fantasies.

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