That's thermal not thermos

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9,785 Views 1 decade ago Asians

Insurgents are now using a new weapon in the Iraq war. Thermal bombs can penetrate steel surfaces making it even more dangerous to drive around in that hellhole. I have mad respect for anyon... Show more

  • squirrelkiller May 29, 2009

    ^agreed.kill all the bastards

  • unknown October 29, 2008

    2008 They're never going to change, NUKE EM BEFORE THEY NUKE US

  • unknown October 29, 2008

    NUKE EM', THEN NUKE EM' AGAIN, AND INCASE WE MISS ANY NUKE EM', Then send all the so called follower's from our countries back home for the funeral, THEN NUKE EM', AND JUST FOR GOOD MEASURE NUKE EM AGAIN, AND DID I MENTION NUKE EM', THEN STEAL THE OIL

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