That's your ass lady!

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Greg J. User Avatar
Greg J.
8,614 Views 1 decade ago Extreme Content

I am well aware that pedestrians have the right of way but that is not excuse to go flying out in the middle of traffic. This is a perfect example. This lady gets hit by a car going at least... Show more

  • frank n. stein September 3, 2017

    Heesha sheeshu meesha cum ha shishu.

  • snapshot July 9, 2007

    I'm new too this sight and it appears to be almost a hate feast. Hatedog why do you feel that way? Have they done anything too you directly and if so are you a raciest? Have you considered professional help maybe you can call a private chat line to seek private help or therapy. I don't think you were raised too hate you just have adapted that trait.

  • joecommonsense July 5, 2007

    lickadslit if you build a ramp that would be the equivalent of building walk bridges over roads in the US and thats against china rules cause they don't like doing what americans do.

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