a message to car theives everywhere

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Greg J. User Avatar
Greg J.
10,281 Views 1 decade ago Drink & Drugs

If you are going to break into a car it's probably a good idea to make sure the owner is around. Otherwise you will probably rouse a fury of lynch mobbish proportions.

  • helgast January 10, 2008

    morons, if your beating up somebody don't let them get back into the car. all they have to do is turn the ignition and run over your ass. all of themn are a bunch of fucktards.

  • bennyblanco July 17, 2007

    SHORT ARMED CARROT TOP CANT BUST A GRAPE!!!! the other guy wasnt even trying to fight back and the idiot almost sprained his ankle missing a weird looking punch. literally, ive seen little girls throw better punches

  • commoneagle July 11, 2007

    clownpen15 wrote:

    Best Idea is to super glue razors underneath the stereo and have plastic carpet,then just need tongs for pickin up fingers every morning......................................................good idea another is to rig up tasers to shock the shit outa fucking theives... I should have had mine in place b4 they got my last stereo...got to complacent with being in a condo with security and all;;;; they still got my shit fucking liars and thevies are the lowest of the low... most thieves are both ...they steal then lie saying ...duhh I didn't do nothing... like the poor grammer punk on the vid... kil um all let god sort them out...

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