Kiai is some special power the japanese believe in that is kinda like "The Force" or "Chi". I had another Kiai master on a couple months ago that ended up getting his ass kicked by a MMA fig...Kiai is some special power the japanese believe in that is kinda like "The Force" or "Chi". I had another Kiai master on a couple months ago that ended up getting his ass kicked by a MMA fighter. I still believe this is a whole bunch of bullshit but he did manage to ring a bell. Something tells me it might have something to do with the floor though.
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sound is all powerfull and if whales can be herd acroos the ocean then you could harnes your power as well all im sayin is ive seen some crazy shit befor and not on tv
they must have been overly impressed by discovery's future weapons show when they higlighted sonic weapons... sure sonic power is real but no fucking way are they going to have the power to do what they claim.. phoney as tits on a boar.
sound is all powerfull and if whales can be herd acroos the ocean then you could harnes your power as well all im sayin is ive seen some crazy shit befor and not on tv
they just trying to immitate a nuclear explosion.
they must have been overly impressed by discovery's future weapons show when they higlighted sonic weapons... sure sonic power is real but no fucking way are they going to have the power to do what they claim.. phoney as tits on a boar.