I love how people just start to casually drive away after they just creamed someone in the middle of a busy intersection. I can only imagine them thinking "oh they'll be alright" as the cont...I love how people just start to casually drive away after they just creamed someone in the middle of a busy intersection. I can only imagine them thinking "oh they'll be alright" as the contents of the bikers skull spills out onto the concrete.
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sleeko i would find you not guity by reasons of revenge! yea that fucker in the car was gonna bolt. people were luky to ride with somebody.but also poor riding skills to jump the gun on a bike.
sleeko i would find you not guity by reasons of revenge! yea that fucker in the car was gonna bolt. people were luky to ride with somebody.but also poor riding skills to jump the gun on a bike.
xgames 2010 night games plus chase and beat down
Damn bats hitting our headlights again!!! Fuck Em!